Tuesday, 31 July 2018

Advantages of Online adverts for ICOs

  1. Gain followers through promoted accounts:
This is a very good way of increasing your list of followers, especially
if you are new to twitter. Promoted accounts allow you to get your account
in front of potential investors of your tokens. To promote a account, the set of
steps are almost the same as setting a promoted tweet. You should also
choose a budget which can range from $2 to $3 per follower

  1. Make use of popular trends:
This involves making use of hashtags

Online advertising can help eliminate middleman, educate potential buyers,
increase sales and introduce your product/tokens to the market. It also helps
potential investors feel your brand is authentic after seeing it several times.

Advantages of Online Advertising

  1. You are in total control of your ads:
In advertising your products online, it is possible to waste an ad budget,
but if you know what you are doing, you can reduce the wastage. Online
advertising allows you to drill down on the statistics, looking at the areas
where the campaign is not working and in areas where it works.

  1. Online advertising can help you reach a large number of better
customer base:
On Facebook, there are about 1.7billion users who use the platform on a
regular basis. When you advertise on this platform, you are likely to reach
a specific kind of people of certain age, career and interests. Online
advertising can help you target investors who are more likely to purchase
your products.

    3. Online advertising is a long-term strategy:
Almost everyone, if not everyone, owns a tablet, phone or PC. Furthermore,
we are on the internet almost all the time. Due to this technology, customers
are easily accessible. Advertising online can help generate leads from all
over world, from different people with different interests.

   4. Online advertising is very effective.
Online advertising allows you to reach a global audience. The idea is to build
enough base of customers to advertise your products to. Remember, that the
key word here is traffic. The more traffic you get, the more you get to introduce
your product to potential investors.

However, you might still have to contact a small number of investors who
you know can afford  to buy your ICO without advertisement. Some of this
investors may not want to click on your ads in the first place. But with a direct
contact with them, you can always convince them to invest in your tokens.

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