Wednesday 1 August 2018

Knowledgeable Tips To Note When Hiring A Pr Agency/Expert

When Hiring a PR  Agency or Expert, you ought to ensure that they possess the following skills which are:
Excellent Writing Skills:
A PR agency/expert needs to have good writers. They ought to be creative and should master the art of putting thoughts into meaningful words. Their words need to create the desired impact and influence the customers. Make sure whatever they write is relevant and puts your ICO in the best light.

A PR agency/expert needs to be extremely creative and should be able to think out of the box. They should be able to come out with innovative ideas to promote the ICO and  what they offer among the target audience. In today’s world of fierce competition, it is really essential for pr experts to experiment with new ideas/concepts and develop something which would benefit the end-users.
Good Communication Skills:
The PR agency/expert must have mastered the art of effective communication skills. It is really essential to communicate well. Don’t just speak for the sake of it. Public relations experts must ensure their audience have understood what they intend to communicate. Two way communication is the essence of effective public relations. Whatever you communicate ought to make sense and be well understood by the target customers.
Stay focused and take care of even the minutest details. Do not ignore even the slightest doubt. A single detail left unattended can become a major cause of concern in the future. Crosscheck every single detail and observation before jumping to the final conclusion.
Competitors research:
Always keep your eyes and ears open. Find out what other ICOs are up to.It is really important to keep a close watch on competitor’s activities and initiatives. You may draw inspiration from them but following them blindly would do no benefit and in turn tarnish the ICOs image.
Friendly Associations:
A Public relations expert needs to have strong networking skills. As a PR representative one needs to have a strong association with people from the media industry (TV, Radio, Print - Newspapers/Magazines).

Importance of Public Relations in an ICO

Public Relations is more important than Advertising in the sense that Advertising only carters to normal users who buy smaller portions of your token. PR attracts the big whales.  A good example of a PR could be granting an interview. One of the biggest mistake you can ever make when starting an ICO is waiting too long to find the right people/agency to do your PR. This should be the first thing to do when starting an ICO. If you can’t find some, you can bootstrap one yourself. However, a quick search on Google will help you find relevant agencies. You are basically looking for PR agencies with past experience in cryptocurrency marketing. Not everyone has enough domain knowledge to market crypto and handle crypto customers.

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