Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Public relation an essential practice in improving ICO

Employee interactions on a regular basis:
It is really essential for employers to stay in constant touch with employees and keep them abreast with the latest developments and happenings within the organization. Management or public relations experts should circulate latest events, new product launches among employees through emails, circulars, notices or simply communicating with them.

Public relations presents the ICOs in the best light.
Public Relation creates a positive image of the ICO in the minds of target customers through regular interaction, press release, newsletters, interviews, events, functions, e.t.c. PR is essential for effective brand positioning. In simple terms, public relations experts are hired to make an ICO and what they offer popular among the masses. (Target audiences) so that investment can be made.
Public Relations helps ICOs gain maximum exposure and also reach potential customers
In today’s world, it is really essential for every ICO to understand the needs and expectations of its target audiences. Public relations experts ensure free flow of information between the organization and its target audiences, necessary for the survival of every business. Correct information must reach the customers for them to be loyal towards your brand (Products and services). Public relations experts helps your ICO stand apart from the others.
Public relations department gives the customers and in fact the whole world a better understanding of how their organization functions, policies, products, services and so on.
Public relations focus not only on information flow from ICOs to its public but also vice a versa.
Proper feedback is being taken from potential customers as to how they feel about the ICO and its products. These reviews and feedbacks (positive or negative) help the ICO to grow to its full potential. Positive feedback definitely calls for a celebration but negative reviews are also taken seriously and necessary changes are incorporated in the system to meet the expectations of the consumers.
Public relations is personal.
You might have demographics for your audience in advertising. You might even have performed focus groups and market research to pin down their necessities. However, as individuals the audience remains mainly anonymous to you. You'll need to communicate to them more as a circle that shares common interests, instead of as individuals. Advertising, by its nature, includes a mass communication.
Public relations builds up credibility
Public relations boosts your ICOs credibility, because it will operate through numerous trusted intermediaries. Plus, these intermediaries communicate to a certain audience which looks to them to filter out all nonsense. If messages are chosen to be communicated, they'll gain credibility due to the intermediaries' credibility.
Public relations is precise
With advertising, it is possible to calculate the responses and audience impact which you have. It is similar to a controlled experiment which is being done repeatedly. Public relations is less predictable due to you having to get the intermediary to comprehend your important message points and reiterate them in their messages. It means cautiously aligning them with an intermediary's messages. It will mean knowing their needs and your audience's needs and where your business and its messages fit within that environment.

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